Week 9 – Manifesting Our Sofa

In this week’s lesson Haanel gives us the exercise of visualizing a plant from unseen to seen. And he describes the process of the visualization exercise in precise detail in 9.32.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about manifestation, the process of making something evident, or perceptible, especially to our five senses.

Perhaps the best description I’ve ever come across of the manifestation process can be found in Machaelle Small Wright’s book, Co-Creative Science, A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions For Today’s Health & Environment. (pages 95 through 102)

Machaelle pioneered a way to work with what she calls Nature Intelligence in co-creating and manifesting.

She describes three dynamics to manifestation. Like Haanel, she emphasizes the high level of focus, the intensity of focus, required to manifest.

Clarity of thought and visualization were key”, she says. They are the foundation of manifestation in the first dynamic, and become increasingly important in the other two dynamics.

In Haanel 9.33, after going through the description of a plant from the unseen to the seen, Haanel writes:

When you are able to make your vision clear and complete you will be enabled to enter into the spirit of the thing; it will become real to you …

Acorn to Oak filmed over an 8 month period time-lapse

In Week 7, I mentioned that my mother is psychic. To be honest, we are all psychic. But most of us have not learned how to recognize this in ourselves.

Just as the principle of what wires together fires together and what you use grows, what you don’t use atrophies, applies in how we create our lives; it also applies to our culture.

Our modern culture hasn’t recognized these very real and natural capacities in us, so they get ignored, and grow weaker.

But they are present, waiting for us to become aware of them and develop them, just like exercise develops our muscles.

What people refer to as psychic abilities are connected with our primary glandular/sensory systems which draw information from our environment. This happens with both the external physical, mental and energetic environments, as well as the internal physical, mental and energetic environments.

Just as we may have preferred learning styles, we also have preferred ways in which we process information. I suspect these are closely tied to our temperaments, what many refer to as the four temperaments. You may know them as personality colors. (There hasn’t been, to my knowledge, much academic research into this. If you have come across research about this, drop me line in the comments below. I’d be interested in knowing.)

Here’s a short summary, the four psychic receptive areas. (1)

  • Intuition – Psychic knowing, or sometimes called prophetic knowing
  • Feeling – Sensing, empath, the body as an antenna, or tuning fork
  • Hearing – Inner listening, the still small voice within
  • Vision – Seeing, auras, images on the mind’s eye screen, dreams

People often have a primary preferred way of processing information and then a secondary way. We all have all four and other forms, too, to some degree.

My mother is clairvoyant, primarily visual. Visualizing is a piece of cake for her. Most information about manifesting focuses heavily on the visual and visualization techniques.

I am primarily knowing, intuitive, with my secondary sense being feeling. My nervous system is ultra-sensitive.

Vision is the weakest reception area for me.

I am also an abstract thinker. Most people see concrete images in their mind’s eye when they think of something, say a dog, or cat. My mind’s eye stays blank, or black. I don’t see the concrete images when I think. About 2 – 5 percent of the population are abstract thinkers.

This makes visualization especially difficult for me.

I thought perhaps there may be other people like me. People with whom visualizing is more difficult. For this reason I thought to share the Manifesting Our Sofa story to help you relate to a process that may not be so visual but relies more on the knowing and feeling senses. And still allows you a clarity of thought to initiate your visualization process.  (This happened in 2006, the sofa in the above photo, ten years ago. 🙂 )

First off, I made a clear decision. I wanted a new sofa. I didn’t know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. So, I focused on the feeling of that sofa. As I feel the spirit of the thing, it becomes real through the sensation of feeling. Here, I am gaining clarity of thought, but through feeling, first.

The visual comes latter in the process.

What often happens, is that as I focus on this feeling, in time, I often then begin to have snippets of information that I suddenly just know, or I will hear with my inner hearing. Then images pop up in my mind’s eye screen. Because my mind screen is most often blank, or black, these images really stand out to me. I jot these down in my journal.

When I start to see images, I know that the manifestation process is strengthening. When the images start popping up, this lets me know that the physical manifestation is coming soon. This indicates, it is already done.

In the case of my sofa, what I saw was a color, a specific shade of rust. This felt right for me. Yes, I heard and felt inside me. This is the right color for the feel of what I wanted as a sofa in our living room. I told my husband about the snippet of an image I saw, and within days, I got a call from him.

He had walked into the local Habitat for Humanity store and saw a sofa that matched the color of rust I described to him. When I arrived at the store, as soon as I saw the back of the sofa, the color matched exactly, I knew, this was the sofa I felt. We were able to purchase a $4500.00 sofa for $1300.00. It was an amazing find. It felt almost miraculous, or magical.


I want to add a couple of tips here.

1. What we manifest often shows up through other people. This happens a lot with my husband and me.

2. I’ve tried at times to describe this felt sensation of knowing. It feels like something syncing, or clicking inside, as if two gears have come together and fall into groove with each other. It’s a very real, visceral, inner sensation.  Some examples of how a person with different reception area preferences may experience this:  if you are more clairaudient you may hear an inward click, or if you are more visual, you make see the gears click.  Everyone is unique.  Everyone has their own unique inner language.

I hope this may be helpful to others. Start with your strength, and hold the focus, the other pieces of the process will come to you.

One more thing, to help me develop a capacity to visualize better I am learning how to draw. I’m using the book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards.

She teaches that learning how to see, as it relates to drawing, is a global skill. It’s a book that many remote viewers recommend for developing their ability to visualize clearly.  I’ll let you know how this works out for me, as I learn more.

(1*You Are Psychic by Pete A Sanders, Jr.

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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30 thoughts on “Week 9 – Manifesting Our Sofa

  1. Fantastic post! There is so much in your writing for week 9 that hit home for me. You were able to verbalize what I have been feeling. I, too, struggle with visualizing. I close my eyes and there is blackness and then a swirling takes over. The picture I want seldom appears. I tend to “feel” my way through situations. I am going to check out a few of the reading materials you suggested. Thanks for sharing such a genuine post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Natalie! I had hoped this would be helpful for people. This makes my heart warm… keep me posted on how this works for you in future visualising. I’d be interested to hear about your experiences, too. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m just starting to blog, Allen, … so we will see where this takes me. Thank you for you kindness, you are very appreciated by me. 🙂


  3. Edina, I found your post so helpful and beautifully written! The information you shared spoke to me and made me feel so much better. You are definitely not alone!!! Thank you for such a beautifully written and inspiring post! Can’t wait to read your other entries!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is wonderful and so clear! I love the way you are linking everything together so seamlessly.

    I, too, have really gotten a lot out of Michaelle Small Wright’s work. Thank you for the reminder. I also am not a natural visualizer. I call my way “listen/feel.” I feel like it is a fifth receptive area.

    Love the couch story. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow!!! Great post, Edina!!! Visualizing is very challenging for me. I have strong intuition and I often “hear” what is going to happen over and over until it happens but “visualizing”….such a challenge! I loved that you explained to add feeling. I will also have to get the book by Edwards! Love reading your blogs!! Looking forward to the next one! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Thank you!! Beautiful description for those of us who Feel our way into manifestation. I also LOVED your point about manifestation coming through other people and how that happens often with you and your husband. I’ll be sharing your post on my blog!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First, where is the LOVE button? I LOVE this post and connected with it.
      Second, Fawn, thank you for sharing it with your “tribe”, I think everyone one in our little group will get something out of this (Marcos, are you reading my comment?)
      Third, I’m very intuitive (I just “know” things–drives my hubby crazy) and empathetic (though I somehow “shut it down” several years ago and I’m trying to open it up again)…in short, THANK you for sharing this. I can’t wait to read all you other posts and follow you! I already feel connected with you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Love the sofa and your open mindedness in regard to psychic phenomenon etc. You sound like someone who will really excel in this program and I am so happy for you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Love your explanation of the manifestation process. The one thing that hit home for me is the images part. I am a visual processor and get images in really often. It is now learning to incorporate the trust and the other senses with it! Thank you for sharing!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I can’t remember how much of our brain goes into visual processing. But it’s significant. It’s much easier to trust what we can see, since seeing is such a huge part of our human experience.

        It was hard for me at times, as a kid, because my Mom used so much visual language. And my feeling language just seemed so,… well… feely/touchy. Also, I can remember getting scolded a lot because I touched everything. When we were in stores, if I saw something I liked I wanted to touch it. It never occurred to me to be satisfied with just seeing it.

        That kinda goes with the learning styles, doesn’t it?

        The book I linked above was quite an eye opener for me. It helped me understand myself better. The more you become aware of, and therefore notice, your other senses, you will naturally build trust, because that is what observation does.

        Like everything else we’re learning is this awesome course.

        Beauty Day to you, Sibylle. ❤


  8. This is so well written and thought out. I truly appreciate the time you took to put this all together Edina. Mahalo! I am a feeling person as well although I can visualize, the feeling is where the juice is so this was on point for me and eye opening. Mahalo again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Love it we just manifested the amazing 1960 vinyl sofa. same thing just need a new sofa but not knowing what we want it to be like.
    I love were you are going I find if I trust stay focused and don”t let thing annoy me I can have anything I want, and find I am manifesting more and achieving more thanks to MKMMA and everyone involved, Thank you for being on this journey and sharing your wisdom.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So cool, and thank you, too! Focus is huge. Where we put our attention matters. (lol) Literally. I just discovered this Sia song, that repeats over and over, “You can do anything”. Your comments here compliment it.

      Have a super day!. 🙂


  10. Thank you for verbalizing this in a manner that I really get! The spiritual is very difficult for me to articulate and this really landed for me. I have manifested cars and homes but never understood how I was doing it. (If that makes sense). As it relates to this I am feeling/hearing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can relate to what you’re saying. I feel that the more of us to know and understand how this creative process works, the more we will find ourselves drawn to and working with others, the more we will create a culture that honors our inner beings. 🙂


  11. Edina, thank for your insights! It really great reading these tips, i feel this is of great value for me and i know this can help in my growth!
    As i look back at my first childhood memories i see links with what you wrote here. From my first visions to this course we follow here it is like it was al in front of me from the beginning. I could see it sometimes very clear and other times it was clouded and i deviated from my path. But since 2 years i came back to the path i saw before me in my dreams and what the inner voice told me. Even this course is part of my path! So yes its great to read your experiences because this is evidence for me that i am in the right path!

    You are whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy! Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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