Week 10 – Build Bridges With Love

Today is the last day we read Scroll 2 from the Greatest Salesman In The World.  Tomorrow we roll over into Scroll 3.  I’m sure I’m not the only person who wakes up each morning now and thinks first thing “I greet this day with love in my heart.

I’m equally certain that I am not the only person in the *MKMMA who has experienced the power of actively choosing to love themselves and extend love to others.  There is something about the energy of love that transforms the psychic space between us.

For days now I’ve been thinking about bridge building.

It’s astonishing what humanity has learned to build and create in it’s efforts to connect, to bridge gaps of all kinds.

Life reaches out to life. Connection is one of the primal needs of every living being on the planet, maybe even the cosmos.

Immortals Bridge, China

I wonder often, how we can build bridges of love and understanding between us, rather than walls of misunderstanding and unneeded suffering?

First on an inner level, bridges of understanding within ourselves, about ourselves.

Then extending this out to family, friends, co-workers, passers-by on the street and in our day to day business.  This naturally extends love, culturally.

Reversing the reversal.

Starting at the point of unseen cause, rather than sensed effect.  At the root of what is, rather than the symptom.

One day back in 2001, I was rereading my some of my journal entries from 1998, and 1999.  As I read these journal entries I was reliving the stress and anxiety I felt at the time I wrote them.  I could feel my heart tighten, and pound in my chest.  I could feel my stomach knot up and tension spread in my muscles.

I observed this at that time and thought to myself.


It was a wake-up call of a sort.

Intellectually, I knew and understood lots of spiritual principles. I had been applying and living them for a very long time.  And yet, I couldn’t deny that level of sheer visceral anxiety I had felt when I wrote my journal entries in 98 and 99.

Sometimes, overwhelm is genuinely overwhelm.  It’s your body’s way of letting you know you have evolved past your skills level.  Time to learn better more effective skills sets.

I decided in that moment, that I did not have resiliency, mental resiliency.  I made a decision to learn how to develop mental resiliency.

Rakotzbrucke, Germany

I went through several years of fairly intensive research on the topic. (I kinda do almost everything with a little bit of overkill. LOL)

As Einstein once said, “We must begin with the heart of man –”.  And “The basic laws of the universe are simple, but because our senses are limited, we can’t grasp them. There is a pattern in creation.” (1)

I remember being surprised when I learned that scientists have now discovered what they call a “heart brain(2).  And that in fact, there are more signals going from the heart brain to the head brain than from the head brain to the heart. (3) (4)  Our heart brains set the rhythm for the rest of out body.

And even more interesting to me, is that the frequencies of love, care, compassion and appreciation brings our hearts into what scientists call “coherence”.  This means everything is working in sync and very smoothly together.

Science is supporting, more and more everyday, the wisdom of the sages of the past, including what we’re learning, practicing, applying and living through our *MKMMA experience.

As Judith Glaser wrote in her article about the five brains, “Our brains are made to be social.” (2)

Heart brains in sync co-create a harmonious mastermind.

I’ve been enjoying reading the blog posts of other *MKMMA MasterMinders.  An idea a couple of them shared last week, that I think is super awesome is affirming for others the affirmation from Haanel 9:11/12


With this in mind I created a quote graphic to share here.  Feel free to right-click on the graphic above and click “Save Image As … “ to download this image for your own desktop vision board.  And in your heart affirm this for others, as well as for yourself.  Right now, I’m affirming it for you.

(1) Einstein and the Poet: In Search of the Cosmic Man (1983). From a series of meetings William Hermanns had with Einstein in 1930, 1943, 1948, and 1954

(2) Your Five Brains- Harness Their Wisdom

(3) The Inside Story by Doc Childre

(4) Science of the Heart by HeartMath Institute

Bonus added Sunday 4 December 2016:  Just found this, uncanny… Neurocardiology:  A Bridge Between the Brain and the Heart.  🙂

Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

Image Credit, Featured Image Bridge, James DeMers, Japanese Garden Arch Bridge

A love soldier, paying it forward.

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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16 thoughts on “Week 10 – Build Bridges With Love

  1. Okay Edina I said it once and I’m saying it again, you are fantastic! Can I get an autograph, when’s your next book coming out, or where’s you’re next speaking engagement? You’re blinding me with your brilliance! You Rock!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hey, Happy Birthday Allen…. and thanks sooo much again for your awesome comments. Hope your birthday was magnificent! 🙂


  2. Funny enough, I was at a PTA meeting this evening discussing the very ideas you were writing in the beginning of this post. Humans need connection and love that feeling of inclusion. I wasn’t even thinking of the right to left brain bridge or bridges in general but you are so right, it is a bridge to connection. Love it!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, Tracy, I’ve been thinking about this need to build bridges of connection between us a lot lately, especially given the tone in media these days. It’s interesting to me that a similar conversation came up in a PTA meeting for you. I imagine its something many people are giving real heart-felt consideration.

      I loved the idea of affirming for other people, as well as for ourselves, “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy.” And saying in silence to each person we meet, “I Love You.”

      It’s empowering. It gives me something positive and constructive to do, in any situation, regardless of the situation. Which makes me happy. LOL

      I think, too, when people understand the science that supports this and how it has such a huge affect on their bodies and their health, then we will see more and more people applying these principles.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I truly resonate with the truth that the research has now validated about our hearts sending more signals to our brains, our heart brain. May we all be in more harmony and coherence from our powerful practices here in MKMMA as a MasterMind. Thank you for your truly beautiful post, Edina!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. First off, Fawn, thank you so much for sharing my blog post on your blog. You have a beautiful blog, by the way.

      And sending great waves of peace and harmony your way. Love rocks and harmony sways…. (lol, Dinny being silly) Beauty Day to you. ❤


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