Week 15 – Off Task, But On Purpose

The body thrives on routine,

The mind on stimulation,

And the soul on meaning.

No one has ever told me this.  It’s just insights I’ve figured out on my own, over the years, through personal observation.  Sometimes the needs of one move in conflict with another.  When the needs of all three are aligned, harmony within emerges.

This past week has been odd for me, in that all my regular daily routines have been disrupted.

It usually happens during this time of the year.

We live off-grid, and while that often sounds glamorous or adventuresome to most people, what it means is that we essentially provide our own grid, if we want live with some sense of normalcy.  We’re not wealthy.  It’s been a gradual process of slowly pulling the pieces together as we can.  Again, over time.

What is taken care of for other people in city or county services, we take of ourselves.  If a water line breaks from our cistern to the house, it’s on us to repair it.  When the bridge on our road became impassable, it was up to the people who live past that bridge to come together to find a way to repair and make it passable again.

Starting just before Christmas we’ve had several snow storms come through.  We get our power through solar, and with days and days of little to no sun, our batteries depleted.  We lost power every night as the sun goes down for the past week.  This is accumulative.  The loss of power every day, without a good recharge on the batteries can run the system so low, that every morning it may take longer to recharge enough for running even small clocks.

The Persephone Period keeps me humble.

Usually, I prepare myself for it, starting somewhere around Thanksgiving.  A period of time that gardeners call the Persephone Period.  It’s when the duration of sunlight falls below 10 hours a day.

Chickens will start laying little to no eggs during this time frame.  And plant growth slows way down.

The further north you go, the longer this Persephone Period lasts.  In some places in the south, it is never experienced.  In my latitude it lasts about 2 months.  Starting around Thanksgiving and ending a little after Martin Luther King’s day.

I’ve come to accept this time of year, and this annual gap in our grid.  It also serves to remind me to be grateful for what we have.  I never take the fact that we have power, or can be warm, and fed, with a comfortable bed to sleep in out of the weather, for granted.

Earlier this month as I thought about this coming time frame, I told myself, this is temporary.  We are most often affected, maybe 20 days out of the year.  I pushed it out of my mind and kept focusing on what I needed to do to forward my DMP.

I’ve learned to just go with the flow and adapt when this happens.

But this year, both my husband and I are sick.  He more so than me.  So, we held off getting the back-up generator going.  At this point, we have four generators around our battery bank, three are not working.  My husband had to drive the skidster up to his shop, and bring down his welder which has a generator, yesterday.  This is what we are now using for lights at night.

So, this week, I’ve been sleeping a lot, due in part to no power, and in part to get my body healed faster.  I’ve taken lots of Vitamin C, shots of Mystica, and bowls of chicken soup.

My normal routine has been disrupted which has left me feeling somewhat scattered in my focus.

The reason why our bodies thrive with routine is because of our inner clocks.  Our natural biological circadian rhythms restore energy to our bodies the way the sun on solar panels accumulates power in the batteries of our solar system.

This is why the 3x daily rhythms of our readings can also be so powerful.  Same natural laws at work.

Due to the loss of power and all that extra sleeping this past week, I lost a lot of production time.

I didn’t have the energy to really focus on writing.  However, my mind, being mind, still needed stimulation.  So I read.  The Art of War by Sun Tzu was brought to my attention this week, and I revisited it.

Just as I had revisited *The War of Art by Stephen Pressfield a few weeks ago, and (self) *Mastery by Robert Greene, a month prior to that.

I also decided to watch Rudy this week, in addition to October Sky last week, because of a serendipity of how The Art of War by Sun Tzu came to my attention, through someone called Rudy.

There is a translation to The Art of War that draws on the consideration of the cultural mindset of Sun Tzu.  It comes from the perspective that in order to truly understand Sun Tzu’s meaning his cultural mental model must be taken into account.  You can learn more about it as this website, Science of Strategy.

Yesterday afternoon, as I was trying to think about what to write this week, all of this was percolating in my mind.  I found myself thinking about the wholistic approach that Sun Tzu writes in his philosophy.  And what is referred to as his non-linear approach to decision-making.  That this is what he is teaching in his book.

Gradually, I realized that I will be using this information in the book I’m writing.  As I will also draw on Stephen Pressfield and Robert Greene.  It occurred to me that none of this was in my plans.  In each case I had gone off task, but somehow remained on purpose.

Soul thrives on meaning.

So this is where soul comes into play.

Because I have a clarity of purpose, or meaning, (DMP) when I derailed on task, I naturally moved in alignment with my purpose.  Noticing this is insightful to me.

I still don’t feel up to par for writing.  It’s work, mentally,  right now, to get this written.  All week, I’ve been at a loss of what to write.  But this morning when I woke up, those first three lines I wrote where on my mind.

Insight enables … it’s repeated over and over, in this week’s Haanel lesson.

As Haanel describes, it turns out that all things do work toward the purpose we hold in clarity charged with the emotion of love.

Even if we feel we sometimes get off task, we may surprise ourselves in that we still remained on purpose, …

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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Week 12 – This Is How I’m Fostering My Focus

Fostering Focus

Last week, I had an insight that I shared in the Master Key Mastermind Alliance Mental Diet Group,

I feel the greatest benefits of the Mental Diet are that it helps me gain Self-Mastery and helps me Foster my Focus.  It’s much easier to stay focused when I’m not getting derailed by internal drama.

The Mental Diet has come in handy several times this week, already!!! 🙂

At the same time, I made a decision to shift my daily schedule to focus first on my top priority action toward achieving my DMP.  I moved writing 2 to 3 hours at the top of my day, before I do anything else.  My brain and will energy are at their best, strongest and freshest first thing in the morning.

The theme of fostering my focus has continued into this week.

I’ve been playing with different ways to set up my editorial and writing schedules.

However, I’ve had difficulty sorting out how to get everything I am juggling in front of me, in a way where I could see and think, as I set up these various writing projects.

Sunday evening, I remembered once reading about using Google Calendar for setting up Editorial Calendars.  I pulled up that old article, and one thing led to another, and I started playing with layering Google calendars.

When layering calendars you create new calendars for each specific purpose or project.  In my case, I did this for each business, and project I have in play right now.  Then I scheduled the times slots for each calendar as recurring events.  And started customizing each recurring event to what I want to accomplish each day.

I’m loving this process.  I’ve never used Google Calendar before and this tool is doing exactly what I want it to do for me, and more.

Super Jazzed … !!!!screenshot-of-editorial-calendar

As I play with the calendars I can hide or display what I need to laser in my focus, or zoom out for a bigger picture.

I’ve color-coded the various calendars, too.

Today, I’m playing with the tasks tools in Google to set up check lists for repeatable actions.  This way, I’m not reinventing the wheel every time I do something.  And it also allows me to tweak and fine tune my processes. *Kaizen

Yep… I’m a systems gal… LOL.

The calendar automatically updates on my phone.  (I’ll be honest, I don’t know how that happens, or why.  It’s just a serendipitous add-on benefit.)  So, I have easy access to everything on the fly.

If you haven’t discovered Google Calendars, check it out.

With the “Sit”, the Mental Diet, and Google Calendar … I can do anything.  🙂

How about you?  How are you fostering your focus?

* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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Feature Image Credit:  sasint @ Pixabay



Week 9 – Manifesting Our Sofa

In this week’s lesson Haanel gives us the exercise of visualizing a plant from unseen to seen. And he describes the process of the visualization exercise in precise detail in 9.32.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about manifestation, the process of making something evident, or perceptible, especially to our five senses.

Perhaps the best description I’ve ever come across of the manifestation process can be found in Machaelle Small Wright’s book, Co-Creative Science, A Revolution in Science Providing Real Solutions For Today’s Health & Environment. (pages 95 through 102)

Machaelle pioneered a way to work with what she calls Nature Intelligence in co-creating and manifesting.

She describes three dynamics to manifestation. Like Haanel, she emphasizes the high level of focus, the intensity of focus, required to manifest.

Clarity of thought and visualization were key”, she says. They are the foundation of manifestation in the first dynamic, and become increasingly important in the other two dynamics.

In Haanel 9.33, after going through the description of a plant from the unseen to the seen, Haanel writes:

When you are able to make your vision clear and complete you will be enabled to enter into the spirit of the thing; it will become real to you …

Acorn to Oak filmed over an 8 month period time-lapse

In Week 7, I mentioned that my mother is psychic. To be honest, we are all psychic. But most of us have not learned how to recognize this in ourselves.

Just as the principle of what wires together fires together and what you use grows, what you don’t use atrophies, applies in how we create our lives; it also applies to our culture.

Our modern culture hasn’t recognized these very real and natural capacities in us, so they get ignored, and grow weaker.

But they are present, waiting for us to become aware of them and develop them, just like exercise develops our muscles.

What people refer to as psychic abilities are connected with our primary glandular/sensory systems which draw information from our environment. This happens with both the external physical, mental and energetic environments, as well as the internal physical, mental and energetic environments.

Just as we may have preferred learning styles, we also have preferred ways in which we process information. I suspect these are closely tied to our temperaments, what many refer to as the four temperaments. You may know them as personality colors. (There hasn’t been, to my knowledge, much academic research into this. If you have come across research about this, drop me line in the comments below. I’d be interested in knowing.)

Here’s a short summary, the four psychic receptive areas. (1)

  • Intuition – Psychic knowing, or sometimes called prophetic knowing
  • Feeling – Sensing, empath, the body as an antenna, or tuning fork
  • Hearing – Inner listening, the still small voice within
  • Vision – Seeing, auras, images on the mind’s eye screen, dreams

People often have a primary preferred way of processing information and then a secondary way. We all have all four and other forms, too, to some degree.

My mother is clairvoyant, primarily visual. Visualizing is a piece of cake for her. Most information about manifesting focuses heavily on the visual and visualization techniques.

I am primarily knowing, intuitive, with my secondary sense being feeling. My nervous system is ultra-sensitive.

Vision is the weakest reception area for me.

I am also an abstract thinker. Most people see concrete images in their mind’s eye when they think of something, say a dog, or cat. My mind’s eye stays blank, or black. I don’t see the concrete images when I think. About 2 – 5 percent of the population are abstract thinkers.

This makes visualization especially difficult for me.

I thought perhaps there may be other people like me. People with whom visualizing is more difficult. For this reason I thought to share the Manifesting Our Sofa story to help you relate to a process that may not be so visual but relies more on the knowing and feeling senses. And still allows you a clarity of thought to initiate your visualization process.  (This happened in 2006, the sofa in the above photo, ten years ago. 🙂 )

First off, I made a clear decision. I wanted a new sofa. I didn’t know what it looked like, but I knew how it felt. So, I focused on the feeling of that sofa. As I feel the spirit of the thing, it becomes real through the sensation of feeling. Here, I am gaining clarity of thought, but through feeling, first.

The visual comes latter in the process.

What often happens, is that as I focus on this feeling, in time, I often then begin to have snippets of information that I suddenly just know, or I will hear with my inner hearing. Then images pop up in my mind’s eye screen. Because my mind screen is most often blank, or black, these images really stand out to me. I jot these down in my journal.

When I start to see images, I know that the manifestation process is strengthening. When the images start popping up, this lets me know that the physical manifestation is coming soon. This indicates, it is already done.

In the case of my sofa, what I saw was a color, a specific shade of rust. This felt right for me. Yes, I heard and felt inside me. This is the right color for the feel of what I wanted as a sofa in our living room. I told my husband about the snippet of an image I saw, and within days, I got a call from him.

He had walked into the local Habitat for Humanity store and saw a sofa that matched the color of rust I described to him. When I arrived at the store, as soon as I saw the back of the sofa, the color matched exactly, I knew, this was the sofa I felt. We were able to purchase a $4500.00 sofa for $1300.00. It was an amazing find. It felt almost miraculous, or magical.


I want to add a couple of tips here.

1. What we manifest often shows up through other people. This happens a lot with my husband and me.

2. I’ve tried at times to describe this felt sensation of knowing. It feels like something syncing, or clicking inside, as if two gears have come together and fall into groove with each other. It’s a very real, visceral, inner sensation.  Some examples of how a person with different reception area preferences may experience this:  if you are more clairaudient you may hear an inward click, or if you are more visual, you make see the gears click.  Everyone is unique.  Everyone has their own unique inner language.

I hope this may be helpful to others. Start with your strength, and hold the focus, the other pieces of the process will come to you.

One more thing, to help me develop a capacity to visualize better I am learning how to draw. I’m using the book, “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” by Betty Edwards.

She teaches that learning how to see, as it relates to drawing, is a global skill. It’s a book that many remote viewers recommend for developing their ability to visualize clearly.  I’ll let you know how this works out for me, as I learn more.

(1*You Are Psychic by Pete A Sanders, Jr.

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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Week 4 – What Wires Together Fires Together

What Wires Together Fires Together

This week in *MKMMA we are engaging the fact that in our brain circuitry, what wires together fires together.  As we add more layers into the exercises, with colors and shapes, we start to play with how these exercises help us actively and consciously rewire the neural network that runs our subconscious.

So far, we have three sets of index cards:

  • Service cards
  • Plan of action cards
  • Flow cards

All of them work together synergistically to set our subconscious mind to manifest our two main Personal Pivotal Needs (PPN) and our Definite Major Purpose (DMP).

But this principle that what wires together fires together also helped me with a personal crises that popped up in my life at the beginning of the week.

A friend was given an assignment to conduct an interview with someone close to her about their worst day. We did a very short interview on Monday.

My worst day happened when I had a bone marrow test when I was 3 years old. I have blocked the memory of that test from my mind, but have begun to understand recently how that blocked memory has affected me hugely and unconsciously my whole life.

For most people, their “worst” day experience is often when they have lost someone they loved, or perhaps something very traumatic happened to them. There is often pain, physical, emotional, psychological, maybe even spiritual pain associated with these “worst” days in our lives. It’s not unusual for people’s minds to block the memory of hugely distressful experiences.

This interview triggered an energetic, emotional episode that usually knocks me completely off my feet. When this happens I will find myself crying uncontrollably. I often feel pain in my left hand. I am close to hyper-ventilating like in a panic attack, and I feel like I’m going to vomit.

My whole life I’ve experienced this and I never understood what was happening to me, or why.

Remember this, it’s important:

Just because we have no conscious memory of something doesn’t mean it doesn’t affect us.

Over the years, as I’ve tried to deal with this issue, my conscious mind would grasp at what I could remember. I would work with what I could remember but nothing would heal the problem.

In a way, I was grasping at straws.

When the emotional torrent burst forward in this short interview, I realized that there must be a connection between this and what I couldn’t remember about the bone marrow test.

In retrospect, and with much reflection and contemplation this week about all of this, I now understand that these very difficult episodes I’ve experienced for as long as I can remember are actually Post Traumatic Stress episodes from the bone marrow test when I was three.

I feel that with the work we’ve been doing in *MKMMA that Universal Mind, or Infinite Intelligence, brought this forward so I could deal with it now, because it needed to be healed and resolved so that I could manifest my PPNs and DMPs.

I spent the better part of Monday, and all day Tuesday, journaling on this issue to gain clarity on what I was actually dealing with, and much of it had to do with what happens when all four forms of pain, coupled with an existential crises, are wired into your neural network in a way that sits in your unconscious, creating double binds and triple binds.  Everything was all entangled.

All of this was wired together in a way that when triggered would essentially take over my emotional/physical/psychological state, in an unconscious effort to heal the initial trauma.

For years now, I have used a little known but amazing protocol, TATLife, to unravel these sorts of issues in my brain circuitry.

So, with my new clarity on the situation, I ran a TATLife on this issue late Tuesday night.  I could literally feel my brain rewiring itself during the night.

For the first time in my life, I am free from the suffering of that experience.

No pain in my left hand.

No feeling like I’m about to vomit.

None of the other very uncomfortable sensations that happen with these episodes.

Totally free.

Yaay!!!! (As Dinny does a Happy Dance.)  🙂

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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Week 2 – Breakthrough – Rewriting My Definite Major Purpose (DMP)

Animas River, Follow Your Purpose.A seemingly tiny tweak of inner awareness and the river starts flowing again.

In Week 1 – Discovering MKMMA – Harmony Begins Within, I mentioned that one of the several reasons why I joined this awesome master mind was to have the experience of working in a harmonious master mind.  I’m curious to have the experience and I’m curious as to how this experience is created.  Another primary reason I joined this master mind is to get clarity on my Definite Major Purpose, aka DMP.

We were asked to submit a 400 word Definite Major Purpose so that we could get into meat of the master mind.  Everything we do in this master mind is contingent up having a clear DMP. And this is where the harmony begins.  It’s not about every one being the same and thinking the same. It’s about everyone facing the same direction, moving forward in our lives in a harmonious way.

The nitty-gritty of the process begins with this first submission of our DMP. *MKMMA master minders would be assigned a *MKMMA Certified Guide only upon completion of this significant task.  This is completely understandable.

Years ago, back in 1993, 🙂 I went through a process of self-reflection while developing my mission statement as defined in Stephen Covey’s book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

It focuses on what you want to be and do. It is your plan for success. It reaffirms who you are, puts your goals in focus, and moves your ideas into the real world. Your mission statement makes you the leader of your own life. You create your own destiny and secure the future you envision.

I was living in a different season in my life.

At the time, I was a stay-at-home Mom, and my primary interest was inner spiritual growth and development.  My 1993 Mission Statement was written to anchor that deeply into my inner world.  And on that point, it was hugely successful.

However, now, I find myself wanting to focus more in what I can give back to others.  I remember a friend shared an interesting idea with me once.  She explained how there is an inflow and an outflow in our lives.  And she talked about the value of balance between our inflow and outflow.  She used the metaphor of breathing, breath in and breath out.  For most of my life I have been taking information in, and now find myself near bursting inside to express what I’ve learned over the years.

Only, I didn’t know this was what was happening.  I’ve been feeling drawn toward certain actions, but did not understand the underlying needs driving me toward those actions.

In Sunday’s Week 2 Webinar, Mark J and Davene began layering in the first layer of processes that will build upon our DMP’s.  A key concept in this process was understanding what they call our PPNs. Our Personal Pivotal Needs.  Our PPN’s are like oxygen for our souls, what our souls need to breath.

We were given a list of seven needs, and using our non-dominant hand did an exercise which got us in touch with our own personal pivotal needs.  My PPN’s are Legacy and Recognition for Creative Expression.

The need for Legacy was easy for me to see.  It’s something I’ve been aware of for a long time now.

But the need for Recognition for Creative Expression was hidden from me.  It’s a need I did not allow myself to see.  And here is where the breakthrough enters into my process.

My need for Recognition for Creative Expression was something I never allowed myself to feel, see, notice, or even become aware of, because somewhere along the way of my life, I had taken in the idea that it was selfish.  The denial of our needs creates blind spots in our self-awareness, and blocks the flow of our creative energy.

Often times, simply becoming aware of where we are blocked in our inner world, releases a logjam of pent up energy.  A seemingly tiny tweak of inner awareness and the river starts flowing again.  Breakthrough!

This discovery opened a whole new way of looking at what I want to do; clarifying my Definite Major Purpose.  Things make more sense to me now.

For fellow *MKMMA master minders, what did you discover as you uncovered your Personal Pivotal Needs (PPNs)?  I’m genuinely interested … leave a comment below, and let’s explore together.

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* Master Key Master Mind Alliance (MKMMA)

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